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Documentation Getting started Tunes


Create Your AI Avatars


Tunes is a powerful feature in ArtSmart that allows you to transform your personal photos and selfies into AI-generated images with various styles and expressions. With Tunes, you can create unique AI avatars that reflect your personality and artistic vision.

How Tunes Works

To produce AI avatars of yourself, ArtSmart creates a specific AI model (tune) based on the original model but trained with a set of your selfies (you need to upload a minimum of 10 and up to 20 pictures of yourself).

When you use the Tune feature in ArtSmart, you provide the AI with new knowledge about your appearance, enabling it to understand what you look like.

The tune model is a dedicated AI model that comprehends your unique features. It can then place you in the context of its extensive knowledge. By providing your desired prompts to the tune model, you can transform yourself into anything you desire, with hundreds of pre-defined styles available to choose from.

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Accessing Tunes

Your tune models are accessible through the "Tunes" tab in your Profile Showcase page. Here's how you can access it:

  1. Log in to your ArtSmart account.
  2. Hover over the left menu and click on "My Tunes".
  3. Alternatively, go to your profile and click on the "Tunes" tab.
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Creating AI Avatars

To create AI avatars using Tunes, follow these steps:

1. Go to tunes page

2. Within the Tunes page, click on the "New Tune" button

📖 Note: If you have no tune credits, you will be redirected to the checkout page.

3. You will be redirected to the create tune form. Click “Lets get started!” button

4. Start by choosing the subject you want the AI model to generate: man or woman

ℹ️ Currently, the models can be trained to generate avatars of men or women, and we are exploring options for training models for other objects, such as product photography

5. Next, you will be offered a selection of 8 predefined styles. We have already picked 8 default styles for you, but you are free to choose any style you want

👉🏻 Click on the “Update your own style” button to choose any style you want

6. Upload 10 head images

7. and 10 upper body images of yourself as the training data

8. Set the visibility for the tune images (AI avatars). When set to public, they will be accessible to everyone who visits your profile

💡 You can easily modify the visibility settings of your AI avatar from your profile page. Here is a helpful guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to make these changes.

9. Click "Start Training" to trigger the upload process

🚨Do not close the window, tab, or browser until the upload process is complete

10. Once the uploads are finished, the training process will commence in the background

💡You do not need to wait for the final result; we will notify you when all 64 of your AI avatars are ready (check your email)

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Checking Progress

The training and image generation process can take up to 3 hours, although it usually completes within 90 minutes. You do not have to wait for it to finish; we will notify you when all your 64 AI avatars are ready. However, you can always check the progress on the Tunes page.

To check the progress:

1. Open the Tunes page

2. Locate your in-progress tune model

3. The status will be displayed in the top right corner of the thumbnail

4. Click the thumbnail to view your AI avatars

💡By default, it will be empty as the training and generation process is still in progress. However, you may see some of your AI avatars already generated, indicating that the training process is complete but the generation process is ongoing. Again, we will email you when all 64 of your AI avatars are ready.

5. To stay updated on the progress of your generated image, we recommend refreshing the page periodically (maybe every 5 minutes)

6. Once the process is complete, you will be able to see your AI avatars. The finished avatars will be displayed on the page, ready for you to explore and use

7. Your AI avatars also available in your profile. Utilize the “Image type” and “Tunes” filter to find you AI avatars

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Generating More AI Avatars within Tunes

As long as your tune model is still available and not deleted, you can continue generating more AI avatars without creating a new tune model with the same set of selfies.

📌 This action requires tune image credits, which you may need to purchase if you don't have any.

For each prompt you generate, you will receive 8 AI avatars, which will cost 8 tune image credits. You are free to use any prompt you desire, but remember that we provide hundreds of predefined styles that you can choose from.

Here's how to generate more AI avatars within Tunes:

1. Open the Tunes page

2. Locate the tune model for which you want to generate more avatars and click to view the details

3. Once you are in the tune detail page, you will see a prompt box within the "Generate" tab (default tab)

4. Enter your prompt then click “Generate”.

5. You can use the predefined styles listed on the left

6. Click on the thumbnail of the style you want to use. The prompt box will be updated accordingly

7. The process will run in the background and usually takes about 2-5 minutes to complete

8. Reload the page to see if your new AI avatars have been generated

Tunes Usage

Tunes operates on a pay-as-you-go basis. When you purchase tunes, you receive tune credits and tune image credits, which you can use to create your tune and AI avatars. Don't worry, your tune credits and tune image credits do not expire.

📎Learn more about tunes pricing here

Tune Storage and Privacy

By default, the tune model associated with your AI avatars is stored for 30 days. After this period, the tune model will be removed from the system, and you will no longer be able to generate more AI avatars using that tune. However, your existing AI avatars will be saved; only the tune model will be deleted.

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Tunes are Stored for 30 days

There is no limit to how many Tunes you can create, but we do limit how long the Tune model will be kept in our storage. They are held for 30 days then deleted for two reasons:

Privacy Concerns

Some users of AI art tuning have expressed concern about saving of their trained models for data privacy reasons. The occasional concern seems to be that deep fakes could be produced in the likeness.

Technical Limitations

Each tune credit is a duplicate of our the entire neural network (millions and millions of images). As such the storage for a single tune is massive. We are researching ways to manage this massive datasets storage including purchasing and hosting on our own hardware.

We're working on a solution to manage the ethical and technical implications but have yet to find the right way to manage this.

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Extended Storage with ArtSmart Subscription

If you wish to retain your tune models for a longer duration, consider subscribing to the ArtSmart Standard or Business plan. As long as your subscription remains active, your tune models will be retained beyond the default 30-day duration.

This ensures uninterrupted access to your Tune models, eliminating any storage limitations that may arise.Enjoy the convenience of accessing and generating AI avatars from your stored tune models whenever you need them.

If you have experience with this or have any ideas please contact our

Customer Support

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How often can I retrain the Tune?

Once a Tune is created, you cannot make any changes to the photos included in it, such as adding, removing, or replacing them. Additionally, it is not possible to retrain the Tune with new images.

However, you can generate more Avatars using different prompts within the existing Tune, which will result in creating different characters based on the same Tune.

If you wish to train a new Tune with new images, you will need to purchase a new Tune from our app website at https://artsmart.ai/pricing.