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Preset: Explore Predefined Prompt Templates


Presets in ArtSmart are pre-made prompts that add specific styling and creative directions to enhance your generated images. They provide a convenient way to explore different themes, ideas, and aesthetics, making it easier to create AI-driven artwork with a desired look and feel.

Use Cases

Presets are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Inspiration and Idea Generation: When you need a starting point or lack inspiration, presets offer predefined prompt combinations centered around specific ideas, topics, places, or objects. They can spark creativity and help you generate artwork related to a particular concept.
  • Consistency in Style: If you want to maintain a consistent look and feel across multiple images, applying the same preset to different prompts ensures a cohesive aesthetic throughout your artwork.

Using Presets

You have two options for using presets: directly in the Playground or through the Preset tab in your profile page.

Using presets in the Playground:

All built-in presets and your own presets are listed in the Prompt Designer panel within the Playground. You can find them inside the "Presets" menu. To use a preset, follow these steps:

1. Login to your account and navigate to the Playground.

2. Open the Prompt Designer panel

3. Click on the "Presets" menu and browse the available presets

4. Click on the thumbnail of the preset you want to use. Your prompt will be automatically updated with the prompts from the selected preset.


5. Review the updated prompt in the prompt box. Feel free to modify it further as needed, including combining it with other presets.

6. Generate the image based on your modified prompt.

Using your own presets from your profile:

All the presets you have created are listed in the "Presets" tab on your profile page. This is where you can manage your own presets. To use one of your presets, follow these steps:

1. Login to your account and go to your profile page

2. Navigate to the "Presets" tab. All the presets you have created will be listed there

3. Hover over the thumbnail of the desired preset and click the "three dots" icon that appears.

4. From the options that appear, select "Use this preset."

5. You will be redirected to the Playground with the prompt box already filled with the prompts from the selected preset.

6. Adjust the final prompt in the prompt box according to your preferences.

7. Proceed to generate the image using the modified prompt.

Create Your Own Preset

In addition to the built-in presets, ArtSmart allows you to create your own custom presets. To create a custom preset, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the preset creation section within the Playground or Profile Showcase page
    • From the Playground
    • From the Profile page
  2. Fill out the form with the preset name, prompts, set visibility, and upload an image as a thumbnail representing your preset.
  3. Save the preset.

Managing Your Presets

ArtSmart offers features to help you manage and organize your presets effectively.

Edit Preset: If you want to make changes to a preset you've created, you can easily edit it.

  1. Go to the profile page within the "Presets" tab and browse the preset you want to edit.
  2. Hover over the thumbnail and click the "three dots" icon
  3. Choose "Edit" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Make the necessary updates in the form.
  5. Save the changes. ℹ️ The edit menu is also available within the preset list in the playground. Hover over the thumbnail of the preset you want to edit, and you will see an edit button.

Delete Preset: If a preset is no longer needed or doesn't fit your artistic vision anymore, you can delete it easily.

  1. Go to the profile page within the "Presets" tab and browse the preset you want to delete.
  2. Hover over the thumbnail and click the "three dots" icon.
  3. Choose "Delete" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm the deletion process.
  5. The preset will be removed from the list.

ℹ️ The delete menu is also available within the preset list in the playground. Hover over the thumbnail of the preset you want to delete, and you will see the delete button.

Preset Visibility Settings: When creating or editing a preset, you have the option to set its visibility. If you choose to keep a preset private, it will only be accessible to you. If set as public, other users can view and access the preset, but they can only use it by copying the preset to their own profile. To update the visibility of a preset:

  1. Go to the profile page within the "Presets" tab and browse the preset you want to update the visibility.
  2. Alongside the preset name in the preset item, you'll see either a "globe" icon (public) or a "lock" icon (private) indicating the current visibility status.
  3. Click the icon to toggle the visibility.
  4. Alternatively, you can use the "Edit Preset" functionality to achieve the same result.
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Copy and Use Preset from Other Users

ArtSmart allows users to share and explore presets created by other users. To use a preset from another user, follow these steps:

1. Locate the desired preset in the other user's profile.

💡 To explore and view presets created by other users, take advantage of the user search feature on the Explorer: Discover AI Artworks and Connect with Creators page. This feature allows you to search for specific users whose profiles you can visit, enabling you to browse and examine their collection of presets.

2. Once you find the preset you want, hover over the thumbnail and click the "three dots" icon.

3. Choose "Duplicate to my profile".

4. Confirm the cloning action prompt.

5. Once you have successfully copied a preset from another user, you will receive a notification indicating the successful copy. The notification will also provide a link that directly takes you to your profile, where you can access and manage the newly copied preset.

6. The preset should now be available in your profile.

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Presets in ArtSmart offer a convenient way to explore predefined prompt templates and add specific styles and themes to your AI-generated artwork.

Whether you use built-in presets or create your own, they help streamline the creative process and bring your artistic vision to life.